Festival International Road Closures

The population of Lafayette, Louisiana will more than triple this weekend as the largest international music festival in America kicks into high gear. Festival Intrtnational de Louisiane attracts performers, artists and patrons from around the world. Downtown Lafayette becomes a festival ground from wednesday, April 24th to Sunday April 28th. That means many streets will be closed for the duration. The following streets will be closed to vehicular traffic during the festival… Jefferson Street from Lee to Main Street, Jefferson Street from Main to Garfield, Garfield Street between Buchanan and Lee Avenue, Congress between Jefferson and Taylor, Vermilion Street between Lee and Buchanan, Vermilion Street between Lafayette and St. John, Buchanan between Vermilion and Congress, Lafayette and Rue Bibliotheque between Vermilion and Congress, and Barry Street from Lee to Lafayette Street. There is parking available in downtown areas.Veteran festival goers know their best move is to park at Cajun Field and take the shuttle.

Source: KATC 

Blog by Steve Wiley